May 6, 2024


Friendly Interior

Keep your home warm: how to keep winter outside

We usually turn our home’s central heating on from October until March. That’s 6 months of the year. More than half of our household energy bills are heat-related. How do we make our homes warmer?

If you’re looking for ways to warm your home and save money, searching for answers for your questions on the Internet might prove confusing. That’s why ratings and reviews written by real-world people who have bought and tried products and services to warm their homes and cut their energy costs carry weight. You’ll surely come across UK Collected Reviews’s website and see The Heating Boutique reviews to learn more insight and tips from customers.

Here you’ll find the tips most commonly found to keep homes warm and save money.

1) Central Heating Timers
Installing a timer to your central heating system will mean that you won’t be wasting unnecessary energy, while keeping your home toasty warm. By setting the timer to turn on the central heating 45 or 30 minutes before you wake up, will mean your room or home will be warm by the time you’re out of bed and it will switch off the central heating for the hours when you’re away at work. You can set it to turn on 30 minutes before your usual return time, saving your energy while keeping your home warm.

2) Curtains and Blinds:
Functional home decor are things we love. Curtains and blinds fall into that category and by using thermal curtains or blinds you’ll be able to trap in your home’s heat. Glass is a poor heat insulator; that’s why drawing your home’s curtains or blinds before sunset will help prevent warm air escaping out of the windows.

3) Boiler System:
Does your home have a boiler that’s 10 years or older? By installing a upgraded model, you will gain in efficiency. A modern boiler uses about 40 percent less energy to heat a home than an old unit.

4) Attic Insulation:
As with windows, your home loses some 25 percent of its heat through the roof. You can reduce that by fitting insulation in your loft or attic. Warm air rises and escapes, but by insulating your roof the warm air will circulate around your home. You’ll likely use your central heating less and even turn down the heating once you’ve properly insulated the roof.

5) Radiator Remedies:
Keep your radiators clear of furniture and other items. Those pieces absorb an enormous amount of heat that could well be used to maintain the room’s warmth. You can also maximise the efficiency of your home’s radiator by installing shelving above it. In this way, it will direct the warmth outwards by preventing the warm air rising to the roof. If your radiator is under a window ledge, this shelving will prove most effective.

6) Floors:
Another way to insulate your home is with carpets or mats. These can reduce the loss of heat by forming a layer over the floors. Wooden floors and tiled surfaces lose heat quickly and with mats and carpets over those areas you’ll be able to keep the warmth inside your home.