A recent study analyzing over 77 independent studies, revealed overwhelming evidence that gardening has important health benefits. So, if you’re looking for a healthy hobby that boosts both mind and body, it’s a good option for you.
For best rewards, it’s a good idea to take on the challenge during the growing season. Check out our spring gardening guide to help you get going.
Getting Started With Spring Gardening
The first step for any aspirant gardener is planning your outdoor spaces. The perfect garden contains both practical and decorative elements. If you’re going for aesthetic appeal, you should focus on flowering shrubs and plants as well as inorganic elements like hardscaping.
From a practical point of view, home gardening is an excellent way to ensure an abundant food supply during uncertain times. So, if you want to avoid trips to the grocery store right now, a vegetable and herb garden is a good choice for you.
Vegetable Gardening Checklist
Plan your garden by making a list of vegetables you like to eat, especially those you can’t buy at your local market.
Another thing to consider is the types of vegetables with a short shelf life. For instance, if you don’t usually eat a lot of lettuce, a few of these plants can save on food waste. When you have live lettuce plants you can pick a few leaves as needed.
You should also consider plant growth cycles. Some plants take longer than others to yield crops. Make sure you plan for a mix of slow-growing and fast-growing plants.
A calendar of staggered plantings can ensure an abundant supply of one type of vegetable over a longer period.
You’ll also need a supply of necessary gardening tools before you get started. These are a spade, garden fork, hoe, hand weeder, wheelbarrow, and soaking hose.
Location, Location, Location
Vegetables need at least eight hours of sunlight a day to thrive. Make sure you position your garden accordingly. A four-by-four plot of land’s usually sufficient for the average family.
If wild critters, like raccoons and rabbits, visit your garden, you should fence off your vegetable garden before they catch sight of the delicacies within.
A raised garden bed’s a good way to elevate your plants out of shady spots and every smart homeowner knows it’s easier to work your garden when it’s within easy reach.
Always test your soil before you begin planting and discuss the results with your local garden center. They’ll advise you on any necessary fertilizers or compost to maximize your garden’s yield.
Get Your Hands Dirty
If you get the above basics right, the rest of your spring gardening chores are easy. Simply follow the recommended planting guidelines, mulch your garden beds to retain moisture, and keep weeds in check.
Even the best gardener comes across hiccups in their gardening pursuits from time to time, so don’t give up. Treat any stumbling blocks as a learning experience by asking for help from your garden center or an experienced friend.
There are also many helpful online sources to help you boost your gardening skills. Check out the rest of our blog for more facts, and a few myths, about interesting lifestyle issue
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