Ways to Start a Cleaning Service Business

How to Start a Cleaning Business in 8 Simple Steps [GUIDE] - WorkWave

With careful planning and the right strategy, starting a cleaning service call business can be a cheap and easy way to get you started. Especially if you live in a big city where most of the population is very busy. No need to doubt, the market is still wide open to make a cleaning service business .

Life in a busy city makes not everyone have much time to clean their house. And not everyone is comfortable hiring a housekeeper who stays at their house. This is what makes a cleaning service business that can be called at any time very profitable.

There will always be a house to clean. And the investment costs that are not too large at the beginning of the business will make this business very profitable. The thing you have to do is just how to make your business stand out as a quality and trustworthy cleaning service provider . Here are 5 ways How to start a house cleaning business

1. Start with a mature business understanding

Maybe you will think, to start this business, you only need a bucket and a mop. Of course that’s not true. To start a business, even though it looks like a simple business, you will still start with a careful plan. What you need to remember is, you will not be in a cleaning business alone, you are in a business that prioritizes customer service.

Of course not all of your customers will think the same about how you can clean their homes. And it’s your job to fulfill your customers’ wishes. Meeting customer wants and needs is the most important thing you have to really believe that you can do it.

Starting a business with a thorough understanding of what each customer needs is a must. You may be able to sell mediocre services, but trust me your business will not last long because you are not providing the different “value” that you can provide to your customers.

2. Prepare products and methods that support your services

Preparing a supply of quality cleaning products will give you more value in the eyes of customers. Only use cleaning products that are trusted and proven to be effective for cleaning homes and all furniture in your customers’ homes. You must be able to explain to customers when they ask about the products you use.

There will likely be some customers who are more comfortable with you using the cleaning products they usually use, as it is possible that their furniture does require special cleaning products. You certainly have to be familiar with the rules for using the product. Take the time to learn for a moment how to use the product before you actually use it.

Another thing you should pay attention to is how to protect business assets such as cleaning supplies that you have. Because it’s possible, you’ll find some less than honest workers and embezzle your cleaning supplies. Make sure you have set up the right method to be able to monitor your stock of cleaning materials.

One way that you might be able to do this is to always keep records and force your workers to make a receipt every time they pick up cleaning supplies from the warehouse. Taking complete notes will give you a clear idea of ​​how to calculate profits and estimate where your business losses will come from.

3. Hire staff who understand your business values

In the early days of your business, you may be able to do it yourself to handle all the service calls you get. However, as your business grows, you will definitely need to hire some staff. Even though it seems easy and doesn’t require special education to do house cleaning work, you still have to recruit the right people.

Make sure the people you are hiring are highly committed people you can trust. Because once again, what you have to pay attention to is, you are not just selling cleaning services, you are also buying customer trust. You must make sure these values ​​are also understood by your staff. So that your business will continue to be in the direction you want.

The quality of the staff you employ is the most important component of the success of your business. Because they are the ones who will represent the big names of the business that you are currently starting. Your success in instilling your business values ​​into each of your staff will ease your path to business success.

4. Design an effective payment method

Since your business requires you or your staff to travel to customers’ homes, you need to be able to design effective payment methods. Of course, if you are still working alone, paying in cash after you finish doing the work probably won’t be a problem. However, if your business has grown, and you cannot possibly perform this service alone, then an effective and accountable payment method is a must.

In the development of advanced technology as it is today, you can create a special kind of website for your business. Where the website will explain your business profile, what are the advantages of using your services, and make it easier for customers to order and make non-cash payments using the transfer method.

5. Best service for customers

As previously mentioned, being in the cleaning service business means that you are in the customer service business. It is important for you to build relationships with your customers. Listen to all complaints and input from them carefully, open your mind that your way of working is not always the best.

Building customer trust is not easy. You will need a lot of energy and time to do it all. However, believe me in the end you will enjoy the results. By building customer trust, then indirectly, your business will be able to grow by itself.

Congratulations on building your cleaning service business , and stay passionate about providing your value to customers. You will fall and get up, but in the end if you are strong you will always find a reason to survive. May success always accompany your business journey. Send regards for success.