April 10, 2024


Friendly Interior

6 Tips to Organize Your Work Desk

6 Tips to Organize Your Work Desk

6 Tips to Organize Your Work Desk

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic kickstarted the necessity of working from home. Many have allotted areas in their bedroom or living room as their home office to ensure productivity. While having a workstation is easy, keeping it organized for a conducive work area can be challenging. Before you lose your hair on how to keep your workstation tidy, consider these six steps to springboard you into the right direction.

Hang a Shelf Above Your Desk

Placing a shelf above your desk is a foolproof way to expand storage for your office supplies. Shelves also keep your desk clear of too many organizers that may otherwise clutter your work area. An overhead rack is also accessible from your seat, making it easy for you to get what you need.

Organize Vertically

If your workstation doesn’t have enough room for shelves, you still use your walls to store and organize your stuff through pegboards and wire grids. Attach these to your walls with hooks and arrange your paint brushes, office supplies, cables, and home decor. Add a clip-on lamp to keep your desk well-lit.

Vertically organizing is an ideal solution to keep your supplies managed even if you don’t have room for a work table. For example, in some of the units of Vitas Tondo in Manila, the main workplace can be positioned in the living or dining room. Using the walls to store and organize things allows you to tidy up your space, even in a cozy area.

Keep Cables Neat

Tangled cords and cables aren’t only visual clutter but are also hazards as they may cause you to trip, or may strangle small children and pets. Organize your cables by mounting your power surge strips onto the wall. Doing so will keep your cords in one space, making it easier for you to move around. 

Keep chargers and cords that are not in use inside boxes. Doing so prevents you from losing another adapter or charging cord, and minimizes the risk of damaging your cables.

Use Storage Caddies and Roller Carts/Drawers

Storage caddies and roller carts are suitable for keeping your items neat and arranged without cluttering your desk. These come in stylish colors and designs that you can match with your home’s aesthetic. These also come in various sizes; get one that fits under your desk for easy access and to give you more elbow room. If you want to expand table space, get a roller drawer with the same height as your work desk. Store your desk organizers on the surface of your roller drawer while having more space for your paper and computer work.

Designate Various Work Stations

If you have an expansive work station, assign areas for different tasks. For example, allot one place as your work-from-home station while one corner should be for your past times, such as art, crafting, or gaming. Designating work stations for various tasks enables you to organize supplies needed for each item without cluttering your work area.

Go Digital

Having stacks of paper can clutter your workspace over time. They also become dust collectors that may irritate your allergies. Go paperless by keeping your reviewers, receipts, and paperwork digital. Choosing which items to digitize saves you from spending on printer paper and ink. Going paperless also helps you have more space for other supplies and elbow room on your desk.

An organized work desk makes it easier for you to accomplish tasks and find the things you need. It also saves you from being overwhelmed with too many visually chaotic items that hamper your productivity. Keep your workstation neat and managed through these six tips.